Tsela Chueu School is a public secondary school located at Ga-Molepo, Ga-Mmarobo in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The School’s post office box number is at P. O. Box 2994, Mphogodiba. Tsela Chueu School is an ordinary school specializing in arts, drama, music & ballet subjects.
The school is a Section 21 school meaning it is allocated finances by the department and is responsible for ordering stationery, textbooks, paying water and lights accounts and undertaking their own maintenance. it is classified under quintile 2 as a no fee institution. According to a survey conducted on the year 2016, the school had a total population of 214 learners served by 6 teachers, making a student-teacher ratio of 36:1. The schoolÂ’s EMIS number is 923241504 and mail box address at P. O. Box 2994 Mphogodiba.
A Detailed Look at the South African School Calendar for 2024
Planning a successful academic year involves more than just scheduling classes and exams. The Department of Basic Education in South