Ntlanezwe Senior Primary School

Ntlanezwe Senior Primary School

Ntlanezwe Senior Primary School is a public primary school located at Ntlanezwe Aa, Bizana, 4800 in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The School’s post office box number is at P. O. Box 617, Bizana, 4800, . Ntlanezwe Senior Primary School is an ordinary school specializing in primary subjects.
It is classified under quintile 1. According to a survey conducted on the year 2016, the school had a total population of 329 learners served by 8 teachers, making a student-teacher ratio of 42:1. The schoolÂ’s EMIS number is 200500425 and mail box address at P. O. Box 617, Bizana, 4800.


School Info

NatEmis: 200500425
Quintile: 1
Exam Dept: Transkei
Specialisation: Primary Subjects

Map & Direction


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